About this app
Dear countrymen, citizens of India, I have come to make Dinanath Advocate a thinker, after the untiring efforts of my 20 years, to apprise all the citizens of India about a management and system, a system and a practice based on my thoughts and philosophy. It is my belief that this idea will prove to be a great philosophy of the 21st century. When the citizen of India understands this management and order, method and practice of the law, then he will accept, adopt, make it the trend of his life, then he will remove his unemployment, he will eradicate India's unemployment, make India self-sufficient, India will be economic recession Will begin to overcome and make India a superpower of the world. If every educated unemployed youth of India understands this management method, it will in one voice make it a trend of their life, this trend will give them the opportunity to do permanent employment jobs, business, social service, service to the nation according to their ability and ability. The educated unemployed youth of India will get paved way for the cause of unemployment and for that reason, the four pillars of Indian democracy, the administrative, the judiciary, the media, will start serving their services according to the Indian Constitution because they have the opportunity to be corrupt Not only this, there will be such an environment in India that India's economic system, social system, political system, will operate according to the Indian Constitution and the intention of the citizens of India. The citizen of India will count this management and method in its practice. His income will start increasing, that citizen will start getting stress free. Such an environment will be created that every citizen of India will understand their responsibility to protect the human and fundamental rights of every citizen. No person, citizen, institution, organization and party of India will do anything arbitrary because no one will get the opportunity to do so. This legislation is based on the principle of public participation and public participation of the contribution of the citizens of India. The name of the organization that governs the legislation has been named Janasabhagi Trust and by creating a YouTube channel called Janasabhagi Trust, efforts are being made to make every citizen of India aware of this management and order system and practice. The management and order system of the large project for the creation of employment is being conducted by the Jansahbhagi Trust and the law of the practice is being run by educated unemployed people of India and citizens of India to do only one thing. Contribution has to be made its practice and every month the contribution of 150 rupees for employment generation is to be made to the Jansahbhagi Trust. You will become a permanent member of the Jansahbhagi Trust. The management of the massive project of employment generation by the Jansahbhagi Trust will be your partner in managing the public participation of one crore citizens. First of all, this management will test its temporary member interest as well as efficiency. This testing process will be completed in 9 months. After the completion of the test process, there will be a written and legal agreement between the two with the consent of the public with the consent of that member. The process of this written and legal contract will be completed within 3 months. This written and legal contract will be the permanent job diary of the life of this member, according to this written and legal diary, you will be trained, your permanent service will be taken, you will be rewarded so that there will be no mention of the name of the Sansa. The entire educated unemployed youth of India has a golden opportunity, within 5 years they are sure to get an opportunity to get permanent employment, jobs, business, social service, service to the nation according to their interest, ability, ability.