About this app
This is a suite of twelve different apps published already are put together to facilitate as a tool for performing energy efficiency studies. Thus it can be very helpful to energy engineers and auditors in assessing the potential savings in individual devices such as boilers, pumps, compressors, fans and heat exchanger. Besides it can save over 60% of total cost of individual apps provided in this suite.
A brief description of the individual app is given as follows.
Supporting Apps:
1. Thermo-Physical Properties
This app provides thermo-physical property data of 18 most common fluids such as water, air, steam etc. employed in industrial applications.
2. Fluid ΔP (Pressure Drop)
App computes pressure loss in transmission of fluids in industrial applications. Users can pick from a list of fifteen most common fluids, ten pipe schedules and sizes with twelve different material of construction to determine overall pressure loss.
3. Orifice flow
This app facilitates measurement of fluid flow in pipes and conduits using orifice plates that are very common in industrial applications.
4. Engineering unit conversion
Engineering Unit Conversion app helps to convert units associated in engineering conventions and computations from SI to USCS and vice-verse.
Device Apps:
1. Boiler Fuel Efficiency
This app helps to run a quick preliminary audit on any water tube industrial boiler. Users can select different types of fuels such as coal, oil and gases with specific compositions and heating values to evaluate efficiency and performance in boilers.
2. Centrifugal Pump Specification
This app guides to determine the three key factors of a centrifugal pump design specification such as ‘System Head’, ‘NPSHA’ and ‘Sizing’ in order to realize its energy saving potential.
3. Fan Specification Performance
This app evaluates the fan specification of any given application based on performance characteristics such as flow rate, static pressure, shaft power, and fan efficiency.
4. Compressor Performance
This app computes various performance indices in a single stage Industrial Air Compressors. This app also helps in running quick tests to estimate both FAD and leakage.
5. Heat Exchanger Performance
This App helps to evaluate performance in a shell and tube heat exchanger in terms of its over all heat transfer U-coefficient. Also helps in determine its maintenance and cleaning schedule based on changes in the performance characteristics due to degradation.
Energy Cycles
App covers following three basic energy conversion models and evaluates performance associated with its model elements, sizing and conversion efficiencies. Thus provides a quick bird's eye view of a total system for energy saving potential as well as system optimization.
1. Rankine Cycle
Model covers a boiler (Fossil fuel), turbine (single stage/two stage/three stage), condenser (shell and tube) and a feed pump. The model presents thermodynamic property data of each state and evaluates boiler efficiency, thermal efficiency with overall plant heat rates.
2. HVAC Heating Cycle
Model covers outdoor air, fan-coil, conditioned space and return air. App helps determine total heat load under 10 different categories as per ASHREE guidelines. The model presents humid air property data of each state and evaluates total heating load and fan-coil system performance.
3. HVAC Cooling Cycle
Model covers outdoor air, fan-coil, conditioned space and return air. App helps determine total cooling load under 10 different categories as per ASHREE guide lines The model presents humid air property data of each state and evaluates total cooling load and fan-coil system performance.
Screen shots covers mainly the above energy cycle models. For more details on individual apps please refer to the respective app descriptions and screen shots presented separately in the Google Play. Alternatively you may also visit our following web site.