About this app
Are looking for an innovative whatscan & whats web app? Had you gotten bored of whatscan for whatsweb app& are looking for something different? Yes! You just stopped at the perfect place looking for innovation whatscan for whats web concept.
Whatz Web Scan pro - Whatscan Web contains variety of whatstools for whatsup. It has whatscanner for creating whatsclone, what web to enable multiple accounts in dual space, whatsclone to create clone app, status saver & status downloader to download status, whatsdirect whatschat and sticker maker for whatsapp in sticker studio.
Whatscanner to create whatsclone:
Whatsweb & Whatscan create whatsclone and enable to operate whatsup on multiple devices. Use whatsweb whatscanner to scan qr code for watsapp and do whats web webchat from different places. Whatscan creates clone app in dual space network and
Multiple accounts & parallel accounts in dual space:
Whats web whatscanner enables to running of multiple accounts in parallel space within same smart device. Scanning QR code from whatsweb corner you can easily open and run multiple accounts in dual space.
Whatsup Notification:
Whatz Web Scan pro - Whatscan Web keeps updating you about whatsup notifications. It notifies about what story of wstatus and whatstext from webchat in multiple accounts & parallel accounts in dual space. Whenever a watsapp text comes for webchat it will inform you and clicking notification will take you directly to the webchat whatstext.
Status Saver & status downloader
It has efficient status saver & status downloader to save what story. Within app you can open, see what status and save video status & picture status by status downloader same like video downloader status downloader smoothly download video i.e. video status by this status downloader app. To status saving is made easy. One can open what status & download status to quicksave.
Whatsdirect whatschat:
Whatz Web Scan pro - Whatscan Web enables to do direct whatschat by whatsdirect feature. Open whatschat, enter country name, phone number and simply type whatstext for web chat and whatsdirect whatschat will directly send whatstext to the right person. No need to add contact simply send whatstext via whatsdirect webchat. In whatsdirect webchat you can add wastickers also from sticker set in sticker studio.
Wastickers & Sticker Maker for whatsapp in sticker studio:
Most exciting of Whatz Web Scan pro - Whatscan Web whatstools is wastickers & sticker maker for whatsapp. Here you can use built in stickers in whatschat. Send wastickers for whatsdirect whats chat in webchat whatstext. Sticker studio has sticker set, stickers packs with funny sticker, cute wastickers & meme sticker.
In its sticker studio it has sticker creator to create sticker and custom design. Get creative with sticker creator and make cute sticker, cartoon stickers, meme sticker wastickers & funny sticker in sticker studio.
Whatstools Features:
Whatscan for whatsweb: whatscanner quick scan qr code of watsapp and enable to run it on multiple devices
whats clone in dual space: You can operate multiple accounts in parallel space by whatscan for whatsweb by whatscanner
whatsdirect Whatschat: you can direct send whatstext to someone without adding in contact
Status saver: Status saving made easy, save video status & picture status by just one click
Whats notification: Notifies about whatstext in web chat or wstatus in whatstory
Sticker studio: Make stickers by sticker maker for whatsapp in sticker studio or use built in sticker set
Share: Share video status & picture status with friends and family
Download Whatz Web Scan pro - Whatscan Web to enjoy whatstools for whatsup. Have fun with whatscanner in making whatscloneclone app, using what web and multiple accounts in dual space also whatsclone to create clone app. Enjoy status saving by status saver & status downloader to save pictures and save videos from what story. Don’t forget to share it with friends and family.