About this app
This app is currently in beta. Before buying, you can try the free ad supported version at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.precise360cleaning.app
No longer just for carpet but now for tiled materials as well. Now you can measure any floor and know exactly what you need. No professional required, and if you're a professional, then you can do it faster than ever. Save time, save money. This is the only flooring calculator you will ever need.
Whether you're a simple home owner and want to measure your home for carpet or a professional and need to quickly measure an entire hotel floor with 100 rooms, this app does that and also gives you all the cuts you need and the totals. You can even make changes to see various results.
This project was created in-house. We have many years in the flooring trade from small homes to large hotels, cheap to expensive goods, regular to patterned, in all kinds of situations and all kinds of ways. As such, its been designed to allow a person with little to no knowledge of measuring carpet to be able to do so or for a professional to tap into more features to get any cuts desired and calculated saving time and money.
Its easy! Use a tape measure to get the length and width of each area and enter that into the app. That's it! You can do more complex measuring or just keep it simple.
The calculator automatically calculates (based on default settings for typical residential carpet usage) all areas to find a good minimum use of carpet to save time, money, and energy.
You can add safety to each cut and/or safety to the total, enter a pattern length for patterned goods, work with steps, create templates or even just one for varied situations, use no template and instead create on the fly, work with various sized goods, and more!
Integrated with Google Drive so you can sync files for backup or you can install this app on multiple devices and have the files sync to all devices that are using the associated account.
This app comes in both paid and free versions. Both have all the same features but the free version displays ads and is part of our digital business card (we reserve the right to change how the free version works in the future).
If you enjoy the free version we simply ask that you support all the hard work that went into this (nearly 3 years ago now) by buying the pro version. Thank you for the support either way!
At this time the calculator uses English and US Customary Units (square yard, foot, inch, fractions /4, /8, /16, /32). We intend to implement additional languages and units of measurement at some point after beta depending on interest.
App permissions explained:
⋄Internet - Syncing with Google Drive, Google Voice Typing, etc.
⋄Read/Write Storage - Used for saving files locally to app directory.
⋄Bluetooth - Optionally used for a Leica Disto Bluetooth measuring device (We love using this with the app!).
⋄Accounts - Used with Google Drive to easily pick a Google account found on the device that you would like to use for syncing.
⋄Location - Required for Bluetooth (Required by recent Android versions; Bluetooth may not work without this; Only used in making Bluetooth function).
⋄Network State - For syncing to Google Drive (the app may try to connect later should you not have an internet connection at the time).
⋄Record Audio - Used only for Google voice to text and to do it in a way where it doesn't pop up an additional interface. This allows you to hold/release or toggle the voice input icon (toggle found in settings) to add measurements, change titles, and more.
⋄Foreground Service - Used for background Drive sync
Beta link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.precise360cleaning.android.carpetcalculatorpro