About this app
Notice Frame is the first app that rag rates your task pictures and shows them in a slideshow as a constant reminder.
Notice Frame at a Glance
1. Create pictures for pending tasks or events
2. Slideshow your created picture task list as a constant reminder
3. Rag rates the task picture frames (red, amber or green) to indicate most urgent
4. Add notes to task pictures to make them more meaningful
5. Make created tasks recurrent
6. Change transitions in the slideshow
Notice Frame takes the tried and tested method of slideshows and applies it to task lists.
Additionally, by rag rating your task picture frames [Red (tasks ending < 24 hours), Amber (tasks ending between 1-3 days) and Green (tasks ending > 3 days)], at a glance you can tell which are your most urgent tasks.
Notice Frame even helps to reduce clutter around the home, contributing to a healthy home and environment. By simply taking a picture of notices and letters of pending events and appointments that have been stuck on boards or walls around the home you can convert them into digital Picture tasks, get rid of your physical noticeboard and use Notice Frame instead.
Specific areas of use of Notice Frame:
1. Business – In House Training/ . Increase Productivity – Slideshow your Process Steps
Notice Frame can help workers in the Service and Manufacturing Sectors to easily learn the process steps of their products, thus increasing core knowledge and productivity.
Businesses can also use Notice Frame as a promotional tool to showcase their company’s processes and products, so that visitors can be educated about the products and services they offer.
2. Education – Pass Exams by Slide showing your revision notes
Notice Frame can help students as an Educational Revision aid. The revision aids currently on the market tend to help you set and countdown to your exam dates or may require you to register with a coursework provider.
Notice Frame is different. It helps you to do the actual heavy lifting of learning your critical exam formulae and facts by enabling you to create a slideshow of your must-know revision notes. Everything is in the app and no registration is required to access all its features.
Learning then takes place when at home or when on the move and you have the slideshow playing on a tablet in a room or on your phone. The constant visual stimulus of the slideshow helps you to remember the key facts LEADING UP TO THE EXAM DATE.
Notice Frame also alerts you as your exam date nears by changing the frame colours of your Exam Revision Note pictures. So:
a) 3 days or more before the exam, the frame colours are green;
b) between 1 to 3 days before the exam, the frame colours are amber; and
c) on Exam day the frame colours are red.
Please note that Notice Frame should be used as a supplement to your revision notes and not a replacement. THERE IS NO SUBSITITUTE FOR HARD WORK, but we believe
Notice Frame can help make the process of learning less difficult.
Also we have not produced a free version of this app, because one of the central objectives of this app is to aid learning and memory retention. We did not feel that remembering adverts or images of pop up cartoon characters during your exams met this objective.
3. Leisure and Events. Keep Appointments – Slideshow your task pictures
Notice Frame can help you have fun and keep your appointments to create a healthy work life balance. Notice Frame will alert you as the slideshow plays when each task nears its conclusion by changing the task picture frame colours.
Notice Frame is a simple app, packed with very useful features to help individuals, students and businesses to be more productive.
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Wishing you all the best in your in house learning,
The Notice Frame Team