About this app
To be competitive in global markets, today's companies are subject to strong pressures to constantly initiate economic and dynamic improvements: the innovation of processes and products to open new markets and new forms of organization are essential for all types of companies that want to preserve some kind of competitive advantage over its adversaries. The evolution of companies involves dynamic processes of progressive changes.
The resource allocation model (AR) is constructed from the evolutionary theories of the company, anchored to the vision that companies develop their resources internally.
Resource allocation models generally focus on the critical factors of expost limits, which are imperfect imitation and imperfect substitution. The limits to imitation are established by factors that impede the imitation of valuable but non-tradable assets, such as intangible assets such as patents. On the other hand, the substitution of assets implemented by competitors is a factor that must be monitored, since it can cause the reduction of the income of firms that have those resources susceptible to substitution.
The methodology of resource allocation takes advantage of factors such as the superior performance of organizations. A basic condition in this methodology is that the total resources and production capacities are heterogeneous among the firms. The factors of production must be described in terms of intrinsic levels of efficiency, since some are superior to others; even though they are similar, the factors of production are used in different ways. The companies are endowed with the resources that are capable of generating higher profits and better demand satisfaction.
The heterogeneity implies that the variation of the capacities of firms can favor the performance of the markets against competition phenomenon. Companies with very limited resources can only wait for a point of equilibrium to be reached, while those with superior resources do not have great problems in seeking higher profits. The heterogeneity in an industry usually reflects the presence of higher production factors; nevertheless, said superior factors will surely also be limited, since their supply may not always be rapidly expanded; they are also scarce, and may even be insufficient to fully satisfy the demand for their services. Efficient companies can maintain a competitive advantage only if their resources are not imitated and then freely expanded by other companies.
To illustrate the above, suppose you have the case of an industrial establishment that must assign an operator to each of the machines available. The problem is that each of the operators has different skills to operate the different machines.
Thus, the greater time that an operator requires in a certain machine can be compensated, or not, with a better time in another machine. It is clear that in this approach is taking the restriction that there must be only one worker in each of the machines.
The situation that we are describing can also be seen as a problem of balance between supply and demand. In these terms, on the supply side it must be fulfilled that the sum of all the machines operated by a worker must be equal to 1. If it were greater than that figure, it would mean that a worker is operating more than one machine; if the sum is less, it would mean that a worker is operating less than one machine.
This type of approach is known as resource allocation problems because each machine, in our case, must be assigned to a worker in such a way that the process as a whole manages to approach the efficiency frontier.
The BUDres app allows generating alternative allocation scenarios in a practical and immediate way. To do this, it is sufficient to fill the demand bid matrix in such a way that BUDres can carry out the assignment.