About this app
The Catallyst Executive Education Institute (CEEI) is a next generation executive education firm focused on measurable outcome oriented learning for participants and ensuring that such learning is anchored back well into their respective organizations. CEEI focuses across the spectrum of executive learning from strategic to functional learning requirements; help organizations to co-create Next Practices, thus enabling their short term and future-ready states. Today, our clients engage with CEEI for its unique business insights and best-fit interventions by leveraging a matrix of vertical and horizontal acumen, with years of experience in management research, public policy, executive coaching, consulting and advisory services.
Our core values include:
Focus on Learning at Individual Level
While the learning interventions have to happen in a batch mode, our approach is to enable individual learning for value acceleration of our clients and participants. We do that by measuring the apriority knowledge of the participants, learning styles and continuous monitoring of learning at individual level.
Value Acceleration through Education & Guidance
We catalyze the learning of groups through our interventions leading to overall value acceleration for strategic imperatives of our clients through education, execution and anchoring the learning back to work. We develop customized case studies, simulations to provide a familiar decision making environment to the participants. To ensure value acceleration post program, we take a blended and action learning approach providing learning nuggets to participants, video nuggets for what they have learnt and many more.
Monitor, Measure and Manage
To ensure an outcome based learning, we use some of the latest and cutting edge artificially intelligent analytics tools along with custom designed metrics for clients to monitor, measure, predict and manage the learning outcome and its possible impact on workplace through talent analytics, talent micro-clusters, impact assessment of interventions and providing dashboards to learning teams for effective planning, monitoring and managing strategic talent in the organization
Customize Learning Interventions for Accelerated Impact
We take an outcome oriented approach by understanding the desired end state through strategic business imperatives for learning interventions in a measurable and predictable way, develop clear capabilities, design experiential programs to achieve those end states by measureable, tangible and palpable outcomes.
Catallysts Connections
We bring to you a global+local education experience through a large network of reputed educators, faculties, researchers, coaches, mentors, industry practitioners, research laboratories, business incubators, accelerators and business management institutions.
Innovation in Education
We bring to you a whole bunch of innovative education approaches starting from experiential learning, project based action learning, educational exchange programs, talent analytics, customized learning app & customized simulations using market as the classroom
Global Scale
To ensure value acceleration through learning, we deliver programs in global scale in USA, Europe, Middle East, Brazil and South East Asia handholding the participants through various exchange programs for learning through experience and interaction with experts from different markets
Alumni Connect
All participants attending our programs would become part of an executive alumni network with benefits of keeping their knowledge honed up and access to global management knowledge, research and be invited to alumni specific events round the year.
Knowledge Quest & Research
To constantly update the knowledge of our clients (both present and targeted) and participants, we will take up dedicated management research projects for case writing, research articles etc. and will publish them through an in house publication of global standard.