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List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Total Area 33/196
Irrigated land area 4/145
Length of coastline 82/196
Highest Point 2/241
Mountain peaks over 7,200 meters above sea level 2nd the world
Forest area 79/193
Cereals, Fruits and Livestock Production
Field Pakistan Ranking
Apricot, 177,658 tonnes 6
Cauliflowers and broccoli, output of 217,559 tonnes 9
Fish, output of 151,174 tonnes -
Cotton, output of 10,727,000 bales 4
Rice, output of 10,300,000 tonnes 11
Onion, output of 1,671,012 tonnes 8
Mangoes, output of 1,716,882 tonnes 5
Wheat, output of 25,979,400 tonnes 8
Dates, output of 537,204 tonnes 6
Sugar Cane, output of 67,460,100 tonnes 5
Chickpea, output of 399,030 tonnes 6
Pulses, output of 139,397 tonnes 5
Okra, output of 117,961 tonnes 5
Goats, Stock of 66,615,000 Heads 4
Milk (Buffalo) 2
Milk (Goat) 4
Milk (as drink) 4
Meat (Goat) 3
List Pakistan Ranking
Population of cities 2
Metropolitan area population 6
Urban area population 2
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Most Effected by Terrorism 4th most effected in the World
Fertility Rate 71/224
English-speaking population 3/133
Human Development Index 147/188
Quality-of-life index 93/111
Literacy rate 135/150
Population 5/238
Population Density 50/217
Life Expectancy 130/183
Happiness Index 75/156
Linguistic diversity index 39/209
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Account Balance 161/199
Exports 66/224
Imports 55/223
Index of Economic Freedom 141/186
GDP (nominal) per capita 173/216
GDP (nominal) 40/195
GDP (PPP) 26/229
GDP (PPP) per capita 158/216
Global Competitiveness Index 115/137
Financial Development Index 58/62
Ease of Doing Business Index 144/190
Labor Force 10/233
Inflation rate 138/227
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold 57/172
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Cement production 16 in the world
Electricity production 32/209
Hand-sewn footballs production 1st in the World[32]
Surgical instrument manufacturing 1st in the World
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Environmental Sustainbility Index 131/146
Happy Planet Index 36/140
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Electricity Production 34/221
Electricity Installed Generating Capacity 38/214
Electricity Consumption 35/220
Electricity From Fossil Fuels 124/220
Electricity From Nuclear Fuels 26/213
Electricity From Hydroelectric Plants 68/214
Crude Oil Production 46/216
Crude Oil Imports 35/215
Crude Oil Proved Reserve 55/212
Natural Gas Production 23/216
Natural Gas Imports 55/214
Natural Gas Proved Reserve 29/211
Uranium Production 15/19
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Military funding 170/170
Active troops 11/173
List of countries by number of total troops 11/173
Size of armed forces 7th in the world
Most active UN peacekeeping force 1st in the world
List World Rank
Corruption Perceptions Index 117/180
Worldwide press freedom index 139/180
Democracy Index 110/167
Failed States Index 20/178
Culture and Society
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Books published per country per year 55/127
Best Country 74/80
Following rankings involving technological advances in communication are taken from the CIA World Factbook.[50]
List World rank
Telephone Lines in Use 30/218[51]
Mobile Phone Users 9/222[52]
Internet hosts 57/233[53]
Number of Internet Users 27/217[54]
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Test Cricket - men's 10-Jul
ODI Cricket - men's 14-May
T20i Cricket - men's 17-Jan
Cricket - women's 10-Jul
Number of British Open Squash champions (men) 12-Jan
Number of World Squash Championships (men) 1/150
International Hockey Federation World Rankings (men) 13/91
International Hockey Federation World Rankings (women) 55/75
List Pakistan Ranking/Total Countries
Nobel laureates 22/71