About this app
[Customer Reviews for this series]
Able to train even during TV CM pause. By tz_pharm
Never get tired of it because the difficulty of words are well mixed! By majiroo
Able to remember words like a game and confirm words I do not know are able to collect on wordbook. Association with Web dictionary is useful. By Kumamon
Very useful and handy to remember words on the train everyday. By power for tomorrow
Excellent. Able to learn words at my own pace. By Amazon customer
Above all, the number of word of the database is superb. And user friendly! By Takuya
[One chance to say]
Dear customer. Thank you for using this app!
Ads that you hate appear for free apps.
Actually, this simple app is consisted from a data base containing thousands of words,
over 200,000 lines of source codes, over 2000 small and large image files,
and sweat and tears of developers.
Please take a look for paid versions too if you like this app.
Someday we can buy new pc to create better apps!
[About the app]
Let’s learn 1000 Japanese words in your small amount of spare time!
By four-choice question, you can remember Japanese words as if it is a game with fun.
Swipe out words you remembered to the ‘done list’.
Check words you want to remember to the ‘wordbook’.
* Study in your spare time
Adjust the number of questions of 1 set of exam, you can study in your small amount of spare time.
* Get accustomed to study
You need to study frequently to increase your vocabulary.
Set study time per day and get notified.
* 4 choice questions (Standard)
Chose a right answer from 4 choices
* Wordbook exam mode
Questions are asked from wordbook which keeps words that you registered.
* Verify exam mode
The app remembers your wrong answers.
In this mode, questions are asked form words which you tend to make mistake.
You can overcome your weak words.
* Done exam mode
Questions are asked from ‘done list’ which keeps words that you remembered.
You can confirm your memory if you really remember the words.
* Learn at your level
You can set difficulty level yourself
* Achievement at a glance
Your achievement is shown as a bar chart which shows the number of words on the done list.
* Editable dictionary
Long click a word to edit content of dictionary as you like.
You may restore it default anytime.
* Web dictionary
On browser window, you can show the detail meaning and example sentences of selected word.
* Setting as you like
- Choose question language (English / Japanese)
- Select difficulty level
- Set time limit for the exam
- Set the number of question of 1 set of exam
- Choose and adjust theme of achievement graph
* Ranking
Improve your ranking position in all app users!
Elevate your motivation by comparing ranking with your friends.
The rankings are determined 24 hour achievements
- High Score: Accumulate points determined by difficulty and response to answer
- Remembered: the number of words that you remember which is increase of [Done list]
- Corrects: the number of words you correctly answered
- Trial: the number of execution
* Private Chat
Communicate with your friend by using the private chat.
You can use it without registration.
How you can use it is all up to you!
Get following features by getting a paid version!
* No advertisement displayed
* Auto next screen
More efficient study available by automatic move from exam screen to the next without pressing [Next] button when you answer correctly.
Choose option from [Setting] if you want to check the answer every time.
* One button assort results
After the exam, results can be assorted by one button click.
All words correctly answered (exclude with wordbook sign) are added to [Done list] at once.
You can also manually assort the result by swiping words one by one.
* Import your achievement data from the sister apps
You can import your achievements to upgraded app from apps that you have used.
Note that the upgraded app must handle large number of words than a source app.