About this app
Poll voting has never been this fun, polling has never been easier!
Features that are not available on any social media platform are now together in SorBi!
What does SorBi do?
SorBi is an application that brings together "THEY HAVE A QUESTION" and "THEY RELATED TO THE QUESTION TOPIC".
With SorBi, only surveys in your areas of interest are offered to you first… You don't have to spend time on topics that you are not interested in.
With SorBi, you can create public surveys open to all users in seconds. All SorBi users can view and vote on this poll. When the general survey is created, it is presented to all users on the main screen, in addition, RELATED users are instantly notified according to the survey category.
With SorBi, you can prepare SPECIAL surveys that are not accessible to the general public, share them with your special target audience such as family, friends or business circle and get feedback instantly. Private surveys are surveys that are not offered to SorBi users on the main screen, but can only be accessed and shared with an access link.
No need to be a member to vote on polls, whether public or private!
We'll send you a notification when the poll you voted on is finished or when the 'Correct Choice Action' has been taken. You don't need to be a member for this! But of course, there are many advantages to being a member.
In SorBi, pollsters cannot see the votes of the participants. In other words, as a PARTICIPANT, you can vote with peace of mind in private or public surveys.
With the CORRECT OPTION SELECTION function, the estimates of the survey participants are evaluated. For example; The result of a match will be determined when the match is over. After the result of a survey about which team will win, the "Correct Option Selection Process" is applied by the Surveyor and the finalized option is marked. Thus, the participant who guesses correctly increases the Correct Prediction Rate. Thus, for example, you can be among the BEST PARTICIPANTS with the CORRECT PREDICTION RATE in Football Matches Category.
In SorBi, you can create and easily access surveys under the categories of Sports, TV Program, Music, Agenda and Politics, Auto, Technology, Education, Social Relations, Local.
You can create surveys with single or multiple questions.
With the LOCAL category in SorBi, you can publish a survey on the basis of provinces and districts, even IMPORTANT PLACES (for example, the university you attend). For example; You live in district B of province A. You became a member of SorBi in seconds and added county B to your Interests in seconds. THAT'S IT! Now, every survey created by marking B district will be instantly notified to you!
There are two roles in SorBi: INTERVIEWER and PARTICIPANT. Users who ask questions are in the INTERVIEWER role, while users who vote for these questions are in the PARTICIPANT role. A user can of course be in both the INTERVIEWER and PARTICIPANT roles.
NO, we do not give money or similar incentives to survey respondents. SorBi is not a business, earnings or betting app. SorBi is an application that brings together "THEY HAVE A QUESTION" and "THEY RELATED TO THE QUESTION TOPIC". So how does this happen?
SorBi offers similar surveys to users based on their votes, whether they are members or not. We are able to offer you special content with complex algorithms that increase the user experience according to hundreds of criteria, which are also found in the world's leading social media applications. Therefore, the home screen of each of our users is different and unique to them. In addition, we offer our users, who are members, the opportunity to determine their areas of interest, and as soon as a survey is created in the areas they are interested in, we inform that a survey of interest starts immediately.
As a PARTICIPANT, you can access the most relevant content among thousands of surveys, or as an INTERVIEWER, you can reach the most relevant audience.