About this app
Being Leader is a great place to learn about Build & Development all Leadership Skill & helps to create real leaders which grow you socially, physically, spiritually & economically Subject to gaining exclusive knowledge from the App.
If you do this, and follow the principles of successful Leadership Development presented here, you're going to do very well & you will be the next LEADER.
Content of Being Leader App
Basic of leadership Development
1 Introduction
2 Great Leaders are Great Listeners!
3 How Leaders resolve team conflicts quickly?
4 Can over communicating cause problems?
5 Leadership is not a competition.
6 How leaders think back to last big decision?
7 How Leaders show genuine interest?
8 Power to inspire others.
9 Assumptions can strike fear into you
10 Are you being proactive in your career?
11 Don't beat yourself up when you can't get everything done!
12 Why don’t we get to the point quicker?
13 Have you done enough research to make a transition?
14 TRY 'to the point' person
15 If you are wanting to make a transition in your life
16 Do your employees know your business goals?
17 Take the time to say thank you!
18 How long do you spend on social media each day?
19 How Leaders spend their time?
20 Leaders are always looking for ways to improve their employees?
21 Do you know how to get promoted?
22 How leaders treat with employee?
23 Leaders Treat Employees like Assets
24 Good bosses always appreciate their Employees!
25 Integrity is Everything!
26 It's Nice To Be Important, But It's More Important To Be Nice!
27 A Toxic Work Culture is forcing your Best Employees to Quit!
28 EMPATHY is the most important leadership skill needed today!
29 Good leaders don’t try to be the smartest person in the room.
30 Want to Build Great Company Culture? Don't tolerate brilliant jerks!
Advanced Leadership Development
1 Leaders don't create more followers. They create more leaders.
2 Leadership is an Action, not a Position!
3 Bouncing Back from Rejection
4 It's NOT your title that makes you a leader. It's your Influence!
5 When Your Most Motivated Employees Become Quiet!
6 A Bad Boss can Destroy Everything!
7 Great Leadership isn’t about control. It's about Empowering people.
8 Good bosses are magnets of talent. Bad bosses are repellents of it.
9 Leadership is about making everyone else better.
10 No matter how educated, talented or rich you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all.
11 The Two Most Important Words a Manager can say.
12 Things That Require ZERO Talent But Can Still Lead To SUCCESS.
13 Don't be a BOSS - be a LEADER
14 Leaders Never Punish Loyal Employees for being Honest
15 Micromanagement make BEST PEOPLE Quit!
16 Avoiding the Biggest career mistakes
17 Stop making things so complicated!
18 Why Leaders should put Employees, Not customers, First.
19 The Worst Bad Boss Behaviors
20 Mistakes Managers Make That Cause Good Employees To Quit
21 Important Career Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life
22 A bad job with a Good Boss is Better than a Good Job with a bad boss
23 Hire Character, Train for skill.
24 Want Loyal Employees? Develop This One Habit!
25 The Three Pills every Leader should take
26 Dealing with Trolls: Don't Feed Them and Don't Be One
27 Things a Boss Should Never Say to an Employee
28 How Leaders Deal With Rejection?
29 Here are 7 Things you should be doing
30 Leadership or Management. Which is more Important?
31 In Search of Ethical Leadership
32 The True Meaning of Success
33 Purpose Driven Leadership
34 Why Diversity and Inclusion Matters
Get Inspired
1 How people lose out because of hesitation & fear.
2 Right Time & Right Place
3 Things before YOU
4 That's not my Job
5 zones in life
6 Life is all about evolution.
7 The Three Things
8 Thinking Vs Overthinking
9 Things to give up if you want to be Happy
10 Types ᴏf Purification
11 Ways to Improve Your Mindset
12 How to Earn Trust
Build your leadership development skill & you will be the next leader.