About this app
This app contains thousands of questions and answers about Islamic laws based on The Leader's fatwas, including these topics:
Options: Caution, Ijtihad, and Taqlid
Conditions of Taqlid
Methods to Know Who Is Mujtahid / the Most Learned Mujtahid, and to Obtain His fatwas
To Change from One Marji to Another
To Continue with Following a Deceased Marji
Miscellaneous Issues of Taqlid
Marjiiyyah and Leadership
Authority of the Jurist Leader and the Edict of the Authorized Religious Authority
Rules Concerning the Different Types of Water
Rules of the Lavatory
Rules of Wudu
The Rules for Touching the Names of Allah, the Glorious, and the Verses of the
Rules of the Ghusl of Janabah
Rules of an Invalid Ghusl
Rules of Tayammum
Rules Pertaining to Women
Rules of the Dead
Rules of Najis Substances
Ruling of Intoxicants
Obsession and Its Treatment
Rules of Non-Muslims
Importance and Conditions of Prayer
Prayer Times
The Place of Praying
Rules of a Masjid
Rules Regarding Other Religious Places
Clothes of the Praying Person
Wearing and Using Gold and Silver
Adhan and Iqamah
Recitation [of the FatiHah and the Other Chapter] and its Rules
Dhikr of Prayer
Rules of Prostration
Things that Invalidate Prayer
Rules of Greeting in Prayers
Doubt in Prayers
Qada Prayer
Qada Prayers of the Parents
Congregational Prayers
Rule of Incorrect Recitation by a Congregational Prayer Imam
Congregational Prayer Led by a Person Lacking a Body Part
Womens Attendance in Congregational Prayer
Performing Congregational Prayer behind Sunnis
Friday Prayer
The Two id Prayers
A Travelers Prayer
Someone for Whom Traveling Is a Job or a Preliminary for the Job
Rule of Students
Intent of Traveling the Shari Distance and Staying for Ten Days
Tarakhkhuṣ Limit
A Travel for the Purposes of Committing a Sin
Rules Regarding the Watan
Wifes and Childrens Following as far as Watan Is Concerned
Rules of Large Cities
Prayer Performed by Hiring
ayat Prayer
Miscellaneous Issues of Prayers
Pregnant and Nursing Women
Illness and Restriction by a Physician
Fast Invalidators
Remaining Junub
Rules of Breaking Fasting
Kaffarah of the Fast and Its Amount
Making up Missed Fasts
Miscellaneous Issues on Fasting
Sighting the New Moon
Gift, Present, Bank Prize, Dowry, and Inheritance
Loan, Monthly Salary, Insurance, and Retirement Pension
Selling a House, Means of Transportation, and Lands
Treasure, the Spoils of War, and Halal Mixed With Haram Property
Mudawarah, MuṣalaHah, and Khums Mixed with other Things
The Method of Calculating Khums
Determining the Khums Year
The Authority in Charge of Khums
Sayyids Share and How to Be Considered as a Sayyid
Areas in which Khums Is Spent, Obtaining Permissions, Gift, and the Monthly Stipends Paid by Islamic seminaries
Miscellaneous Issues Related to Khums
Conditions under Which Enjoining the Good and Forbidding Evil Becomes Obligatory
How to Enjoin the Good and Forbid Evil
Miscellaneous Issues of enjoining the good and forbidding evil
Trading in Inherently Najis Merchandises
Getting Wages for Obligatory Actions
Gambling Instruments
Music and Ghina
Non-maHrams Pictures and Films
Satellite Television Equipment
Theatre and Cinema
Painting and Sculpture
Magic, Conjuring, and Evocation of Spirits and Jinn
Purchasing and Sales Agents
Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Gender Change
Autopsy, Anatomical Dissection and Transplantation
Study of Medicine
Teaching, Learning and Their Proprieties
Dealing with non-Muslims
Working for Oppressive States
Aping the Infidels and Spreading Their Culture
Immigration and Political Asylum
Spying, Defamation and Disclosing Secrets
Smoking and Narcotics
Shaving the Beard
and much more...