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C++ Solution 2019 is a world's largest application in the programming field.
C++ Tutorial 2019. There are hundreds of examples. C++ tutorials has been included in most of the projects.
These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features introduced by C++11. Chapters have a practical orientation, with example programs in all sections to start practicing what is being explained right away.
Basics of C++:
Structure of a program
Variables and types
Basic Input/Output
Program structure:
Control Structures
Overloads and templates
Name visibility
Compound data types:
Character sequences
Dynamic Memory
Data structures
Other data types
Classes (I)
Classes (II)
Special members
Friendship and inheritance
Other language features:
Type conversions
Preprocessor directives
C++ Standard Library:
Input/Output with files
C++ Tutorial for Beginners - Learn C++ in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including C++ Overview, Environment . C++ Solution 2019 contains examples on basic concepts of C++ programming like: loops, functions, pointers, structures etc.
Included Programs list is given below:
C++ Programming Examples
C++ Print Hello World
C++ Get Input from User
C++ Print Integer
C++ Add two Numbers
C++ Check Even or Odd
C++ Check Prime or Not
C++ Check Alphabet or Not
C++ Check Vowel or Not
C++ Check Leap Year or Not
C++ Check Reverse equal Original
C++ Add Subtract Multiply & Divide
C++ Make Calculator
C++ Add Digits of Number
C++ Calculate Average & Percentage
C++ Calculate Arithmetic Mean
C++ Calculate Student Grade
C++ Print Table of Number
C++ Print Prime Numbers
C++ Add n Numbers
C++ Interchange Numbers
C++ Reverse Numbers
C++ Swap two Numbers
C++ Count Positive Negative & Zero
C++ Find Largest of two Numbers
C++ Find Largest of three Numbers
C++ Find Factorial of Number
C++ Find HCF & LCM
C++ Calculate Area & Perimeter
C++ Calculate Area & Circumference
C++ Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade
C++ Convert Centigrade to Fahrenheit
C++ Print ASCII Values
C++ Print Fibonacci Series
C++ Check Palindrome or Not
C++ Check Armstrong or Not
C++ Generate Armstrong Numbers
C++ Find ncR nPr
C++ Convert Decimal to Binary
C++ Convert Decimal to Octal
C++ Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
C++ Convert Binary to Decimal
C++ Convert Binary to Octal
C++ Convert Binary to Hexadecimal
C++ Convert Octal to Decimal
C++ Convert Octal to Binary
C++ Convert Octal to Hexadecimal
C++ Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
C++ Convert Hexadecimal to Binary
C++ Convert Hexadecimal to Octal
C++ Pattern Programs
C++ Print Diamond Pattern
C++ Print Floyd Triangle
C++ Print Pascal Triangle
C++ Print Smiling Face
C++ One Dimensional Array Program
C++ Linear Search
C++ Binary Search
C++ Add Two Numbers using Pointer
C++ Find Largest Element in Array
C++ Find Smallest Element in Array
C++ Reverse Array
C++ Insert Element in Array
C++ Delete Element from Array
C++ Merge two Array
C++ Bubble Sort
C++ Selection Sort
C++ Insertion Sort
C++ Two Dimensional Array Program
C++ Add two Matrices
C++ Subtract Matrices
C++ Transpose Matrix
C++ Multiply two Matrices
C++ Three Dimension Array Program
C++ Print String
C++ Find Length of String
C++ Compare two String
C++ Copy String
C++ Concatenate String
C++ Reverse String
C++ Delete Vowels from String
C++ Delete Words from Sentence
C++ Count Character in String
C++ Count Word in Sentence
C++ Remove Spaces from String
C++ Sort a String
C++ Convert Uppercase to Lowercase
C++ Convert Lowercase to Uppercase
C++ Swap two Strings
C++ Check Anagram or Not
C++ Generate Random Numbers
C++ Read File
C++ Write to File
C++ Read & Display File
C++ Copy File
C++ Merge two File
C++ List Files in Directory
C++ Delete File
C++ Encrypt & Decrypt Files
C++ Print Date
C++ Get IP Address
C++ Shutdown & Restart Computer
Innovative Sun published c++ solution 2019 on playstore.
Developer: imtiaz Saifullah +923317370872