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Engineering Books.
Here are 118 books.
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The list of 118 books is given bellow :
1.A Guid to Physics Problems Patr 2 .
2.Advanced Engineering Mathematics .
3.Advanced Natural Gas Engineering.
4.Advanced Unsaturated, Soil Mechanics and Engineering - Charles & Bruce.
5.Aerodynamics for Engineering Students .
6.Air Conditioning Engineering - 5th Edition
7.An Introduction to Aircraft Structural Analysis By Megson .
8.An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering .
9.ANSYS Mechanical APDL Advanced Analysis Guide.
10.ANSYS Mechanical APDL Basic Analysis Guide.pdf .
11.Aquaculture engineering.
12.Architectural and Engineering Design Standards.
13.Audio Engineering.
14.AutoDesk 3dsmax_2010_animation.
15.Basic Engineering Mathematics .
16.Bridge to Abstract Mathematics By Morash.
17.Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II.
18.Chemical Engineers Handbook- Perry .
19.Chemical Engneering.
20.Chemical Thermodynamics of Materials
22.Classical Mechanics.
23.Computation Fluid Dynamics.
24.Control Engineering .
25.Control engineering-matlab.
26.Customization Guide.
27.Deformation And Fracture Mechanics Of Engineering Materials .
28.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
29.Digital Control Engineering .
30.Digital logic and computer design by M.Morris mano-2nd edition.
31.Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution.
32.Encyclopedia of Environmental Science Engineering.
33.Engineering Design with Solidworks 2016.
34.Engineering Drawing.
35.Engineering Economic Analysis.
36.Engineering economy.
37.Engineering fluid mechanics.
38.Engineering for Structural Stability in Bridge Construction.
39.Engineering Maintenance a modern approach.
40.Engineering Mechanics And Drawing.
41.Engineering mechanics statics-7th-edition-j-l-meriam-l-g-kraige.
42.Engineering Mechanics.
43.Engineering Optimization_ Theory and Practice, Fourth Edition.
44.Engineering Rock Mechanics Part 2.
45.Engineering Rock Mechanics.
46.Engineering surveying.
47.Engineering thermodynamics-3rd-ed-r-k-rajput-by-ronaldplus.
48.Engineering, Sciences and Mathematics .
49.Environmental Engineering Dictionary and Directory .
50.Field Engineer Handbook.
51.Financial Engineering Principles.
52.Flight Dynamics Principles
53.Formwork for Concrete Structures.
54.Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering.
55.Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering I.
56.Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering .
57.Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 5th ed
58.Fundamentals of probability and statistics for engineers.
59.Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering (L.P. Dake)
60.Fundamentals of Thermodynamics.
61.Game Engine Architecture.
62.Geotechnical Engineering.
63.Groundwork and civil engineering-catalogue.
64.Handbook for sound engineers.
65.Handbook of civil engineering-calculations.
66.Handbook of Electrical Engineering.
67.High Voltage Engineering.
68.Higher Engineering Mathematics .
69.Higher engineering mathematics.
70.Highway engineering.
71.Hydraulic Structures.
72.HYSYS _ An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Simulation .
73.Introduction to Continuum Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering.
74.Introduction to electrical engineering.
75.Introduction To Finite Elements Engineering.
76.Introduction to Probability and Statistics For Engineers And Scientists.
77.Introduction to SolidWorks.
78.iOS App Reverse Engineering.
79.Learning RSLogix 5000 Programming.
80.Machine Drawing.
81.Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction .
82.Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Geotechnical Engineering.
83.Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering.
84.Mathematics of physics and engineering.
85.Mechanical Engineering Drawing Workshop .
86.Mechanical Engineering Principles by John Bird.
87.Mechanical Engineering Principles.
88.Modeling and Simulation in Transportation Engineering.
89.Modeling Tools for Environmental Engineers and Scientists.
90.Modern Control Engineering .