About this app
This Application is destinated to all peoples who loves tricks and math logic tricks,
so if you want to test your understanding and reveal the secrets , so try this application and have fun.
How to Use : You must choose a number between 1 and 100 and late it in your mind , dont tell it to any body , and after click you will see lists , press yes if you see the number in the list and no if you dont .that's all and in the latest page i will read your mind and i will tell you the number choosen . so download it and have fun with this magic tricky app .
Definitions And some information about Magic : Magic represents a category used in the study of religion and the social sciences to define various practices and ideas considered separate to both religion and science.
The concept of magic has been an issue of debate among academics in various disciplines. Scholars have defined magic in different ways and used the term to refer to different things.
The term magic comes from the Old Persian magu, a word that applied to a form of religious functionary about which little is known.
Magic has often been dismissed as either primitive and irrational and therefore alien to modern society.
Magic is one of the most heavily theorized concepts in the study of religion. Scholars have commonly used it as a foil for the concept of religion, regarding magic as the "illegitimate (and effeminized) sibling" of religion.
Magic is the inexplicable. As Clarke said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic". To me, science fiction and fantasy aren't very far from each other. They both ask you to reach beyond the current reality and question, what if? Magic is the wondrously unexpected, and unexplainable, or perhaps, if you like challenges, what you can't explain just yet. In life, perhaps, it is something that ordinary people experience once in a blue moon, when everything is flowing just right. Something you experience in moments of creation and which is limitless joy. It can be serendipitous or the product of long, painstaking work, but it is absolute wonder.
Magic, a concept used to describe a mode of rationality or way of thinking that looks to invisible forces to influence events, effect change in material conditions, or present the illusion of change. Within the Western tradition, this way of thinking is distinct from religious or scientific modes; however, such distinctions and even the definition of magic are subject to wide debate.
all the types of magic:
Dark Arts.
Spell Casting.
Blood Magic.
Almighty Magic.
Definitions Of Tricks : a Trick is an action that is intended ,either as a way of cheating someone , or a joke or form of entertainment
Magic is the alleged ability to manipulate supernatural forces. More specifically, stage magic is the art of making things happen that appear to be impossible. It is an ancient art, used over the centuries for both entertainment and deceit, and knowledge of magical techniques figures heavily in the modern skeptical community as a means of detecting fraud amongst those who claim paranormal powers or phenomena.
Rational Wiki notes that several of the best-known skeptical authors, including Martin Gardner, James Randi, and Penn & Teller are trained magicians, as is debunker Derren Brown. Skeptical magicians have been critical to exposing the bad behavior of alleged psychics and faith healers; Randi’s two biggest trophies are Uri Geller and Peter Popoff. Randi’s team has, at various times, convinced serious and well-regarded scientists that they are psychic or possess other paranormal powers, while simply using the tricks of a magician. These men, among others, believe that while scientists are generally logical folk, they do not necessarily understand the trickery used by magicians, and can therefore be still fooled by it.
Tag : Magic , Tricks , Magic Tricks , Magic Number , Golden Number , Magic Tricks for Kids,Tricky Game , Magic Numbers