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Daily Bible Verse with Prayer - Powerful Prayers is a daily devotional and prayer guide based on Leaves of Life. Daily can open this application, you can always expect new content every day. Daily Prayer helps the Christians of today take part in this regular pattern of worship. Daily Bible Verse with Prayer is Christian authors and verses about prayer to provide you with encouragement to pray powerful.
Daily Bible Verse with Prayer Hausa - Just open this application and swipe down. You will get updated prayers every day.
Hausa bible verse with prayers - you can copy text and share any social networks everyday with new.
You can see most of the prayers in Hausa language. Now you can do the all prayer in Hausa language. Hausa prayers you can share with all your friends and families.
Today's Verse and Prayer
-Read today's daily prayer with daily updated versus and prayers and start your day with strength, peace and joy!
Prayers for Children
-Be encouraged by our unique prayers for children written by Christian authors. Use this special collection of prayers to lift up your children to God
Prayers for Forgiveness
-Daily Bible Verse with Prayer - Powerful Prayers will help you to ask god for forgiveness, with short Christian prayers for the forgiveness of sins, forgiving others & good bible verses and prayers
Prayers for Healing
-Whenever we feel pain, sickness or depression we can pray to God for healing of our body, mind and spirit. You can find list of healing prayers. Miracles do come true when it comes to healing and recovery
Prayers for Hope
-Powerful bible prayers can pray to be strengthened. Our list of hope prayers fill with confidence that in You, there is hope for a better future and a better life
Prayers for Peace
-Our favorite list of prayers for peace when the storms of life overwhelm with worry, fear, and anxiety. God wants to calm your troubled heart and comfort your soul. Use these healing praying words as you speak to the prince of peace
Prayers for Prosperity and Abundance
-Prayer For Prosperity, Financial Blessing, and Abundance of Wealth As a child of God, money and thus, financial release is one of your entitlements. The others (entitlements) being good health and unshakeable faith
Prayers for Protection and Safety
-We have listed best collected some of the best prayers for protection for you to use in request to God. May these prayers for safety bring you comfort and peace of mind
Prayers for Strength
-You can find physical and spiritual strength in prayer and faith in God. May these prayers for strength encourage your spirit and strengthen your faith
Prayers for Thanksgiving
-These traditional and original Thanksgiving blessings are Christian prayers for sharing at your table.
Prayers for Wisdom
-You'll find prayers for wisdom. During our lives we are faced with tough decisions and have to make the choice. Read these prayers for help
Morning Prayers
-Use this powerful morning prayer to starting with morning prayers to begin your day is an effective way to connect with God
Evening Prayers
- list of evening prayers to end day. Prayers you can read or say out load right before sleep. Evening Prayer For Forgiveness
Christmas Prayers
-These list of best Christmas prayers during Christmas dinner or on Christmas Eve to keep the reason for the season in mind
Thanksgiving Prayers
- When we pray with thanksgiving. May these prayers for Thanksgiving enrich your life as you turn your focus to God's many promises and blessings
Prayer For A New Beginning
-List of new beginnings, new opportunities as we place Jesus at the centre of our lives. These list of Short prayers help you to new beginning in life
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Hausa bible prayer for healing
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Hausa bible prayer for protection
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