About this app
Hajj(حج)is one of the best forms of worship and is one of the most sublime deeds because it is one of the pillars of Islam.A servant's religion is incomplete without it.
The others being the profession of faith, prayer, fasting and charity.It should be undertaken once in a Muslim’s lifetime, providing health and means permit.
Linguistically, the word “Hajj” is derived from the Arabic verb “Hajja” (Arabic: حَجَّ) meaning, “to exert effort” or “to set out to a great place.”From a Shariah perspective, Hajj means “to take oneself
to a certain place at a particular time to perform devotional acts as required by Islam.”Specifically, the place refers to the Kaaba within Masjid al-Haram as well as sites in and around Makkah including
Arafat, Mina and Muzdalifah.As for the time, Hajj can only be performed during specific months, namely Shawwal, Dhul Qadah and the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah. The devotional acts refer to the many rites
of Hajj, including Tawaf, Sa’i, Rami al-Jamarat etc.
Hajj and Umrah carry great significance in Islam. Millions of Islamic Brothers and Sisters visit the Holy Places of Makkah and Madina every year with the intention of performing Hajj and Umrah.
To help this Brothers,Sisters and All Muslim ummah we bring an easy and comprehensive guide known as"Haj and Umrah prayers guide". It will provide you all the information related to Hajj and Umrah .
We hope it will completely help you while performing the prayers and duas during the Haj days .All brothers and sisters can solve many problems faced during Hajj and umrah by using this hajj and umrah guide.
The main purpose of this application is to lets the users to know How to Perform the Rituals of Hajj and 'Umrah.
So, if its hard for you to take book in a hand it will reserve space from you and it’s hard for you to read books in dark places without light. Don’t worries we are solving your problem!If you have smartphone
just download this Haj and umrah hand book app free for your andriod and keep use it in all Halal places .hajj guidance app contains all rules and regulations about offering it during haj and umrah.
In the holy month of Zilhajj, do worship with complete faith and follow supplications from Duas for Hajj and Umrah. This superb app provides duas by concerning authentic books & scholars.
As there are many places during Manasik i Haj & Umrah where dua is accepted. This Islamic app will help pilgrims from all Muslim countries in learning right duas with accurate Arabic pronunciation.
The Umrah is a non-compulsory (but highly recommended) pilgrimage that can be undertaken at any time of the year,So it can also guide you in easy and pictorial way to know all the information related to Umrah.
"Haj and Umrah prayers guide" amazing feature:-
- Simple and easy to use
- Duas and particular places, where Dua is not rejected are mentioned.
- labbaik allahumma labbaik dua.
- How to perform Hajj & Umrah Complet guide.
- Hajj in Quran.
- Forms of Pilgrimage.
- Islami rules for men and women during Haj.
- Safa marwa.
- Contain Duas relevant to Hajj and Umrah
- Easily understandable user Interface with pleasing visibility.
Extra knowledge in this app:-
Hajj Guide
It lets one to get the basic know-how of entire Hajj Rituals to be performed during Hajj Pilgrimage. The app user will identify with its basic knowledge and Manasek like Time and Place, Eligibility, Prerequisites,
Preparation, Fundamental and Compulsory Acts, all Days, Farewell Tawaf and Returning Home.
Ihram Instructions
This segment deals with every detail about Ihram like Time of Wearing, Wajibat and Sunnah, Rules, Forbidden Things related to it.
It lets one know about every Masnoon Hajj and Umrah Dua that one has to make at important instances.
Download this free application "Haj and Umrah prayers guide" to improve your knowledge.
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