About this app
Learn Java Basics Teaches you basics about java programming with tutorials, Sample programs, Different question & Answers in Simple Language. Java is the most popular and important programming language.So here we are presenting very helpful and powerful basic course of java which will guide beginners with little or no coding experience.
Learn to code or program will become easy by using our Learn Java Basics app. It is useful for students, teachers, and for those who want learn java eagerly.
Our Learn java basics app is for beginners so even if have no prior knowledge in Java ,you wont face any difficulty understanding these chapters.
Our Learn Java Basics includes topics like :
- Learn Basics of Java
- History of Java
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
- Java Environment Setup
- How to Compile and Run Java Program
- Variables in Java
- Variables naming convention
- Types of Variables
- Data Types
- Primitive Data Types
- Byte
- Short
- Long
- Double
- Float
- Boolean
- Char
- Literals in Java
- Operators
- Basic Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Auto-increment and Auto-decrement Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison(Relational) operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Ternary Operator
- If, If..else Statement
- Switch Case statement
- For loop
- While loop
- Do-while loop
- Break statement
- Continue Statement
- Methods
- void Keyword
- Method Overloading
- Command-Line Arguments
- This Keyword
- Variable Arguments
- finalize( ) Method
- OOPs concepts
- Constructor
- Inheritance
- Types of inheritance
- Inheritance and Method Overriding
- Super keyword
- Method overriding
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Packages
- Inner classes
- Interface
- Exception handling
- Multithreading
- Java AWT
- Java Swing
- Palindrome Program
- Factorial Program using loop
- Factorial Program using recursion
- Armstrong Number Program
- Bubble Sort Program
- Selection Sort Program
- Insertion Sort Program
- Linear Search Program
- Binary Search Program
- Find Smallest Number in an Array
- Program to add two matrices
- Program to multiply two matrices
- Program to print Odd and Even Numbers from an Array
- Program to calculate Area Of Circle
- Program to calculate Area Of Triangle
- Program to calculate Perimeter Of Circle
- Program To Calculate Average Marks
- Program To Convert Fahrenheit To Celsius
- Program ToConvert Decimal To Hexadecimal
- Program to Generate Multiplication Table
- Program to Display Characters from A to Z using loop
- Program to Reverse a Number
- What is object-oriented paradigm?
- What is the difference between an object-oriented programming language and object-based programming language?
- What is the constructor?
- How many types of constructors are used in Java?
- What is the static variable?
- What is the static method?
- What is the static block?
- Can we make constructors static?
- What is this keyword in java ?
- What are the main uses of this keyword?
- What is the Inheritance?
- Why is Inheritance used in Java ?
- Which class is the superclass for all the classes?
- Why is multiple inheritance not supported in java ?
- What is aggregation ?
- What is composition ?
& more topics.
Key features :
1. It is easy to use with amazing feaures.
2. It has attractive interface which will stick you to these app.
3. You will learn basics of java very easily because it has designed according to beginners.
4. You can easily share programs and articles via social network like facebook, instagram, twitter.
5. You can also add your favourite chapter to favrouite list.
6. You can easily change font and themes. And it also has night mode for reading.
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