About this app
Prepare for surgery using our patient-tested, proprietary music that engages “rhythmic entrainment.”
-Music that has been curated and sequenced by professional music medicine practitioners for its ability to engage rhythmic entrainment
-Music that has the perfect mood and tempo for calming the surgical patient, but it not familiar to the patient
-Music that is not familiar is superior during surgery because music carries powerful associations that could trigger a negative memory
-Music that has been tested in hospitals and dental clinics around the world and found to be exceptionally soothing and calming
“This app is awesome! So easy to download and install. I took it to the hospital on my iPhone and they paired it with their bluetooth headphones. Music was beautiful and the knee replacement was not a trauma for me, as I feared!”
“Promise fulfilled! I was so worried about having general anesthesia for my surgery, but because I was calmed with this music, they were able to do the surgery with spinal anesthesia.”
“Dr. Cash, the surgery that I had for an aortic aneurysm was a complete success. The music was beautiful and the doctors and medical staff were fascinated. What was predicted to take 4-5 hours only took less than two. I was predicted to be in ICU for 3-4 days, but was discharged in 24 hours. The entire surgical team believes that the music was a huge factor. Thank you so much!”
This innovative app provides the surgical patient with one of five different playlists in different genres. Each playlist is approximately an hour long and repeats continuously until playlist is stopped. Playlist is started as soon as patient arrives at hospital, through the pre-op period, through surgery, and through recovery room.
Patients using this proprietary music, curated and sequenced specifically for surgery, have reported,
• Less anxiety
• Less pain
• Less nausea and vomiting
• Less opioid consumption
• More positive patient experience
• Faster discharge from hospital
This music is also sold on pre-loaded headphones and has been used around the world for pain and anxiety management.
Introducing the mobile app allows users and hospitals to provide a safer and more satisfying surgical experience, using their own or hospital-provided smart phones and blue-tooth headphons/earbuds.
Classical Blend Playlist
• Improve your overall satisfaction level with medical/dental procedure
• Create a safe and serene experience for yourself
• Tap into the power of rhythmic entrainment to stabilize body rhythms such as heart beat and breathing
• Often reduces the amount of medication needed before, during, and after surgery
• Block unwanted operating room noise and
• Block out surgeon’s music which is usually upbeat and faster tempo
• Provide a cost-effective solution that shortens your hospital stay
• Helps you orient yourself post-surgery, essentially a catalyst to the recovery process and faster healing
• The playlist includes seven original jazz pieces that have been specifically composed to engage rhythmic entrainment.
• This is smooth jazz commissioned from an internationally-known jazz trio. The trio is comprised of acoustic piano, tenor sax, and bass.
• Our proprietary music works on the mind-body connection through the process of rhythmic entrainment.
• This music has been chosen specifically for its ability to harness rhythmic entrainment.
• Its tempo of the healthy, resting
• its unfamiliarity for most people; associations to specific pieces of familiar music can be positive or negative. This music will likely not be familiar for you.
• This music has been tested with hundreds of patients having different surgeries and dental procedures and found to be effective at calming and decreasing anxiety
• Study at VA Hospital showed 20% decrease in pain perception for patients listening to our proprietary music through headphones