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Zuhud and the power of the heart learn about what is the meaning of zuhud and what is the meaning of the softness of the heart described in 25 chapters.
And among its contents is discussing about Zuhud in something (al-zuhd fi al-sya'i) according to language means to turn away from something that is worldly because it is despicable, trivial, and better is not need it. In the Qur'an there is much mention of zuhud in the world, news about the disgrace of the world, its mortality and its destruction so fast, the command to pay attention to the interests of the afterlife, and news about its glory and eternity. If God wants a kindness in a servant, then He presents in his heart the corroboration evidence that makes him able to distinguish the nature of the world and the hereafter, then he prioritizes which is more important.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said zuhud means leaving anything that is not beneficial for the benefit of the hereafter. While the color 'is to leave anything that brings mudharat for the benefit of the hereafter. Meanwhile, according to Sufyan Ats-Tsaury zuhud in the world means not spit out hope but also not eating food that is dry or wearing clothes that are not feasible (shabby).
While the best and most comprehensive understanding of zuhud according to Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib, as quoted by Ibn al-Qayyim Al Jauziyah, is that the zuhud in the world does not only mean forbidding the lawful and wasting wealth but if you believe that what is in the hands of Allah is better than what is in your hands, and if there is a disaster that befalls you then the reward for that disaster is more like you than not hit by disaster at all.
This last definition is considered the best and most comprehensive by Ibn al-Qayyim because in it there is the pleasure of a servant to the destiny that comes to him; good or bad. That means, Ibnul Qayyim not only provides the view that physically the zuhud must be poor and shabby, but also more than that. The essence of zuhud is to produce pleasure in the destiny of Allah and Allah will finally love us.
According to Imam Ahmad zuhud shows three cases. First, leaving the forbidden and this is the zuhud of ordinary people. Second, to leave excess in halal matters, and this is the zuhud of special or special people. Third, leaving the busy life aside from remembering Allah and this is the zuhud of those who are ma'rifatullah (those who understand very well the substance of Allah and His power).
In connection with the virtues of zuhud, the following hadith illustrates the Prophet's advice to be zuhud. From Abul Abbas, Sahl bin Sa'ad as-Sa'idi ra, he said, a man came to the Messenger of Allah and asked, "O Messenger of Allah, show me an action that if I do it I will be loved by God and humans," then Rasulullah said, "Zuhud thou in the world surely Allah loves you and zuhudlah you in things that are loved by humans, surely humans love you," (Narrated by Ibnu Majah)
This hadith gives us an explanation that the main action that can bring the love of God and man is zuhud. Rasulullah through this hadith also encourages us to refrain from increasing the wealth of the world and being zuhud. He said, 'Be you in this world a stranger or wanderer,' and he also said, 'Love of the world becomes the base of sin,' or in another hadith the Apostle also said, 'A person who ascended from the pleasures of the world makes his heart comfortable in the world and the hereafter. While those who love the world their hearts become restless in the world and in the hereafter, '