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Surat al-Buruj (Arabic: البروج, "The Great Star") is the eighty-fifth chapter (surah) of the Quran (Qur'an / Quraan) with 22 verses. It is positioned in Para 30 which is also known as Juz Amma (Juz' 30).
Name of the surah:
The word "Al-Burooj" in the first verse is translated to stars, mainly 'great stars'.
Exegesis / Tafsir:
Interpreters give several different versions of the story to be referred to in verses 4–8: persecution of Christians by Dhu Nuwas in Yemen, persecutions by Nebuchadnezzar, and people of the trench. It has been documented that Dun Nuwas burned 20,000 Christians alive in a burning trench because they refused to convert to Judaism.
Quranic exegetes produced different interpretations of the term 'preserved tablet' in verse 22. In this surah the relationship of Quran (AlQuran / AlQur'an / Al-Quran / Mushaf / Koran / Kuran) to the 'Preserved Tablet' is correlated with the relation of the stars 'Al-Buruj' to the heavens 'Al-Sama'. Mu'tazilites argued that revelations were created initially in the preserved tablet. This seems to be close to another term, 'Mother of all books' (umm al-kitab), mentioned in Ar-Rad and Az-Zukhruf.
The surah opens with an oath by a heaven full of stars: by the sky containing great stars. The Arabic word Al-Burooj is interpreted in several ways. The word Al-Burooj is the plural of Burj which means fort or tower; something that can be seen from a distance. Ibn 'Abbas, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhaj, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and As-Suddi said Burj means stars. Ibn Jareer chose the view that it means the positions of the sun and the moon, which are twelve Burooj. The sun travels through each one of these Burj in one month. The moon travels through each one of these Burj in two-and-a-third days, which makes a total of twenty-eight positions, and it is hidden for two nights [making a month of 30 approximately].
It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (S) that the one who recites this Surah will be near the Prophets and Messengers on the Day of Judgement. The reward for reciting this Surah is ten times the number of people who gather on the plains of Arafah.
Reciting this Surah saves one from dangers and if recited before sleeping, one is kept under the protection of Allah (S.w.T.) for the whole night. When trying to wean a baby (stop it from breastfeeding and start eating solid foods), this Surah should be written and tied as a talisman around the baby’s neck.
Reward of reciting Surah Buruj
1. The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.s.) said: Whoever recites Surah Buruj, Allah would give him rewards ten times the number of those who gathered for the Friday prayer and who were present on the Day of Arafah in the world.
2. If a person recites Surah Buruj in his obligatory prayers, by virtue of the dignity of this Surah, he would be raised among the prophets because this Surah is related to them.
Surah al-Buruj (The Mansion of Stars)
This ‘makki’ Surah has 22 ayaat. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (S) that the one who recites this Surah will be near the Prophets and Messengers on the Day of Judgement. The reward for reciting this Surah is ten times the number of people who gather on the plains of Arafah.
Reciting this Surah saves one from dangers and if recited before sleeping, one is kept under the protection of Allah (S.w.T.) for the whole night. When trying to wean a baby (stop it from breastfeeding and start eating solid foods), this Surah should be written and tied as a talisman around the baby’s neck.
Arti surat Al Buruj adalah gugusan bintang diambil dari arti ayat pertama surat Al Buruj, mempunyai 22 ayat urutan surat ke 85 dalam Al-Quran. Isi kandungan dalam Surah Al Buruj diantaranya ialah “tentang sikap dan tindakan orang-orang kafir kepada orang -orang yang mengikutu seruan dan ajakan para Rasul, bukti-bukti keesaan Allah, isyarat kepada orang-orang kafir Mekah akan ditimpa azab seperti kaum Fir'aun dan kaum Tsamud, dan jaminan Allah s.w.t. terhadap kemurnian Al-Qur’an”.