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Traditionally a knob or door is used to create an aesthetic look and utility of the furniture piece to which it is applied. In the olden days the choice of these accessories were limited and were not easily available in the market .But with the increase in the taste and preference of the consumer designers and interior decorator it has created a huge market for the Furniture knobs and Handles.
Knob it up for style and utility
Knobs are generally described as drawer pull or hold which allows the easy access to the drawer to be able to pull the drawer and see the things kept inside .Initially the drawer or cabinets were supported with metal handles provided with the furniture piece itself .People were not aware of the aesthetics and decorative features of the knob .It is the perfect way to change the look of an existent old worn out drawer by adding a decorative knob as a decorative feature. The knobs available in the handicraft store or online shops are hand made using natural products such as ceramic, bone, glass and metal using the traditional methods .The knobs produced this way have a unique and distinct design which is similar to the other knob of the same category but is not completely identical to each other .As hand- made knobs use traditional techniques they are more durable than the machine made knobs.
Hand -made knobs come in a wide range of choices
Traditional Knobs come in a wide range of choices like ceramic, metal, glass and wooden. Each type has a distinct style and pattern .The positive point of the kinds of knobs is that they can go well with traditional as well as modern contemporary furniture. The ceramic knobs are available in hand painted designs in floral, traditional designs and there are also a good amount of choices available for the kid's room furniture in cartoon characters or in flora and fauna designs. Hand- made glass knobs are available in intricate etched designs in crystal clear design to add sparkle and polish to the furniture on which it is attached. The metal and wooden knobs gel best on the traditional or antique styled furniture.
Choose a knob according to taste or on professional advice
The knob the consumer chooses can be bought directly on the online shopping website. Choose one that goes well with the background or the furniture piece to which it is applied. If the base is light the knob should be in a dark colour and vice-versa. It is also advisable to use it during renovations where it is not possible to change the entire furniture due to sentimental reasons or otherwise .Put a colourful hand -made knob to old furniture and make it a style statement and add a new meaning to the old and vintage furniture piece.
Handled door the need of furniture accessory
Door Handles are perfect accessories for the main door or the door opened to bedroom, to the balcony or the garden. The door handles provides the perfect pull to open or close the door .The fixed handles are popular and is available in a wide range of choices and patterns. There are handles are made in ceramic, glass and metal. The beauty of the handles is that it complements any kind of door to which it is applied .The handle is fixed on the top and bottom with a bridge that could be in ceramic or glass. The bronze glass handles are available in traditional designs with beautiful carvings in the form of tribal men, reptiles or any other popular form .The designed are so finely etched that you can see intimate details like the hair, the ornaments or the crease of the fabric worn by the character engraved on it .
The procedure to fix the knob and handles is very simple as it is available with the attachments. Ideal to fix it on the drawers, cabinets, wardrobes, chest of drawers, doors or windows .The handcrafted knobs and handles add the glamour and applicability of the furniture to which it is applied with glamour and style.