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Give your home a natural color with use of cedar. The cedar wood is available in red and white wood. It is used for railing extensively where natural wood is preferred. Read about cedar wood in this article.
Colored Railings, Cedar Railings
Cedar is the type of wood that requires the least maintenance. The only maintenance that you might require with cedar is application of lacquer every three years and this application just takes just 15 to 20 minutes per 1000 square feet. The cedar wood keeps looking at its best with minimum maintenance for a long time.
Some Information About Cedar
Cedar trees are similar to fir trees and are grown in many areas of the world. Native to the Himalayan range, they are also found in the Mediterranean region. Trees grow to a height of 50 meter with evergreen leaves up to 3 feet long. The leaves are similar to fir tree leaves and the trunk of the tree may grow from 1 to 2 feet in diameter occasionally bigger. The varieties of cedar wood are, Deodar Cedar, Lebanese Cedar, Turkish Cedar, Cyprus Cedar, Or Atlas Cedar.
DIY Cedar Railings
There are many suppliers of Cedar wood if you wish to do a DIY railing of Cedar. These railings come pre cut and all you have to do is to install them at the desired place. The supplier will have to be given a map showing the dimensions of the area to be enclosed with railings and other information so that the railings can be manufactured and shipped to your house in knocked down condition.
All that you will have to do to make a nice looking railing is to assemble it as per manufacturer's recommendation. Some trimming may be necessary here and there and since it is wood that can be easily worked, cedar does not present problem for a DIY enthusiast who has some experience in woodworking. You can easily make nice looking cedar railings.
Care of Cedar Railings
The beauty of cedar railings can be maintained if you take the precaution of keeping the moisture from cedar wood. The cedar wood offers not just the beauty and fine-grained wood finish but it also gives you a sweet smell.
The most famous place where scented cedar is used extensively is King Solomon's temple in Jerusalem. It was built in 1000 BC, so the durability of cedar wood is established beyond doubt. You only have to take minimal care to see that the moisture is kept out of the area.
Choices in Cedar Railings
Popular cedar railings are milled cedar and hand peeled cedar. The peeled cedar gives you the natural feeling and it retains the natural characteristics and is more resistant to decay. During the season, the bark starts peeing off naturally and at this time the bark is peeled off by hand completely and the trunk of cedar tree is used for making railings. This way the natural look and scent of cedar tree is retained. The other variety is the milled cedar. Because of milling the look is smoother compared to the hand peeled cedar.
You have just bought a new home in New York and finally have the backyard of your dreams. However, the former owners never had time to put in a fence and now you are stuck without a barrier for privacy and to keep your kids and pets in your yard. Why not look at installing a split rail fence?
A split rail fence is a type of fencing that involves taking timber logs in splitting them into rails. They create a unique and rustic look that is not only functional but adds uniqueness to your yards landscape.
Usually most split rail fences are made from cedar because of its ability to be easily split as well as its resistance to rot. Historically these fences were made from American Chestnuts but because of chestnut blight these trees became extinct and so are no longer used. However, cedar has proven to be a beautiful wood that will compliment any landscape design.
A downside of this style of fencing is that in many split rail designs there are large openings between its rungs allowing ample space for a small child or an animal to escape.