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Chickenpox usually affects a person only once in a lifetime. However, some people claim to experience it can be two to three times. Why can people get chicken pox repeatedly?
Limp and fever
Chicken pox spreads through coughing and sneezing and directly touching the fluid in chicken pox scratch. Among healthy children, the disease is usually not severe and lasts short. The condition of the patient can become severe if accompanied by bacterial infection of the skin resulting in scars, pneumonia, or inflammation of the brain.
This disease occurs in patients with decreased endurance. In patients who have good body resistance, the symptoms are only mild and brief when compared with patients with weak immune system.
Chicken pox disease known as varicella is usually characterized by sudden complaints of limp body, do not want to eat, fever, and itching. Varicella virus is transmitted through splashes of patients, either by direct contact with fluid from the patient's scorching skin or indirectly through contaminated objects of the patient's blister fluid.
Since these symptoms are similar to many other diseases such as flu or measles, many people are deceived. After appearing eruptions or skin disorders, which is a typical symptom of chickenpox, then clearly caught the disease.
Do not scratch
After the incubation period, followed by the appearance of a rash of red spots that turn into blisters within hours. The blister's shape is typical, that is, like water droplets. The blade is flat, not hollow in the middle. If there is a groove in the middle of abrasions, usually not chicken pox.
"If you see blisters, and from the middle of the body to the side, preceded by symptoms of weakness, fever, decreased appetite, doctors are already thinking about the possibility of chicken pox," he said. Especially when about two weeks before there is contact with chickenpox sufferers.
According to the study, about 12 days after recovering, the new patient is "safe". However, to be more secure, preferably three weeks after recovering, the patient should not make contact with others.
Complications of this disease in children are rare. However, in adults can cause inflammation of the brain, lungs, kidneys, heart, liver, even death, if the patient's immune system is very bad.
There is no specific therapy for chicken pox. When the fever, can be given febrifuge. To reduce the itching can be given powder added with antigatal substances. In addition to reducing itching, this powder is useful to prevent rupture of the blisters earlier. If a secondary infection arises antibiotics may be given.
Everyone can get chickenpox, whether it is or has not been vaccinated. About 75 percent of people suffer from chicken pox before the age of 12 years. People who have been exposed to chickenpox are considered immune and do not need a vaccine.
Chicken pox is a disorder that occurs around the nostrils and mouth. Its reddish character on the skin and blisters are quickly flanked, leaving a thick scab (dead skin) and yellow, like honey. When the scab is released, it looks scratch beneath it.
Compare with chickenpox that often appears in the armpit, chest, and back. His trademark is the appearance of a reddish color on the skin and bubbles (like the skin that ignites a cigarette). This similarity might make it known as smallpox.
"This bubble inside the skin contains pus that breaks easily .. Chicken pox is highly contagious and moves from one part of the skin to another If it occurs in the newborn, the infection can spread throughout the body through the bloodstream.This disease may be accompanied by fever And cause serious infections
Because the cause is different, the treatment of both types of smallpox mentioned above is also different. However, there are also similarities between them, which causes traces if broken. Types of chicken pox are more severe.