About this app
Demo version of VoCaBiTclassroom:
Utilizing gamification , students master English vocabulary from 3rd Grade through Graduate School. Language learners have access to thirty four translations. Professionals and trivia enthusiast can easily insert their own repository of terminology.
A common thought is that you need to cram as many app options as you can into education and training platforms that target schools, associations, companies and other classroom environments. Now there's an uncommon approach. A better approach. VoCaBiTclassroom. VoCaBiT is a platform to make learning fun for global audiences, from degreed professionals to students at all proficiency levels. VoCaBiT's use of gamification can deliver meaningful experiences to students. According to MIT research … game players regularly exhibit persistence, risk taking, attention to detail, and problem solving, all behaviors that ideally would be regularly demonstrated in school. “Game players regularly exhibit persistence, risk taking, attention to detail, and problem solving, all behaviors that ideally would be regularly demonstrated in school.” - The Education Arcade at MIT –
Our gamification strategies excel because VoCaBiT's roots are in public education and corporate training. The development team has a combined wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of education. The Founder was first to realize the need for a totally self-contained training platform at a time when feature creep was leading to bloated applications with complex demands of their users. The world needs a platform that is simple yet engaging … ready to run yet customizable … and well-suited for classrooms yet flexible enough for self-study, professional development, senior brain fitness or trivia challenges.
VoCaBiT's use of gamification motivates professionals needing to master terminology required for success in their fields of endeavor … college students needing to stay aligned with course content … teachers and instructors wanting to challenge and stimulate students beyond the classroom walls … senior citizens who need personalized brain fitness. Schools in the U.S. and abroad with limited or non-existent technology budgets can successfully use VoCaBiT with donated, surplus or bare-bones devices. In fact, VoCaBiT is well-positioned to be the global leader in e-learning platforms thanks to its simplicity and minimal-resource needs. Emerging countries in Africa, Asia and other locales can jump right in to the VoCaBiT platform. Off the shelf, the platform supports 34 languages and Google Speak. So virtually anywhere in the world, students of third grade ability and above can learn to master new vocabulary.
New employees at companies in every sector can learn product codes and proprietary vocabularies. Graduate students and professionals can prepare for licensing and certification exams.
The science behind VoCaBiT includes multiple game options designed to be stimulating and engaging, plus a standard flash card option. Users can upload their own source questions, or download content from their ever-growing file room with professional terminology and third-party contributions of multi-subject trivia.
We encourage you to join us in our journey to bring VoCaBiT to within reach of students, professionals, employees, seniors, teachers, parents, travelers, diplomats, gamers, any person looking for a better way to study and learn vocabulary. That's the promise of VoCaBiT. And our own usability testing bears promising results. We hope you will enjoy your walk through our current version to see how everything works together seamlessly.