About this app
VoCaBiT’s English as a second language (ESL App) for Kurdish speakers does not require phone or internet services after the initial install. Approximately 5,000 basic English vocabulary words/phrases are gamified to provide an engaging experience for students beginning at grade level 3 and continuing through graduate school level. Also, for professionals wanting to stay current with terminology in their particular fields of endeavor, VocaBiT APP can be a very useful tool. Advanced users have unlimited access to the Personal Library to load specific repositories of terminology for personal use or for publishing to other users of VocaBiT APP. English definitions/phrases are intended to provide reference points and context. Therefore, the definitions of words/phrases may be approximate as opposed to pure translations. The objective of the VoCaBiT APP is not to teach language, but rather to provide opportunities for continuous reinforcement of vocabulary skills through the engagement of rigorous, fun-based activities. In addition to Kurdish, VocaBiT is available in the following languages:
Proficiency in vocabulary is fundamental to proficiency in all subjects. Scholastic disciplines are built on an understanding of the meanings of words. Furthermore, command of vocabulary supports academic success. In the classroom, for example, whether a student is a native English speaker, or one for whom English is a second language (ESL}, VoCaBiT APP can be a useful tool for reinforcing vocabulary in any subject. Furthermore, the app can be tailored to accommodate students’ particular needs. Also, for professionals needing to stay current with terminology in their fields of endeavor, VoCaBiT APP offers a path for study and reinforcement. VoCaBiT is available to the following language speakers:
Kurdish translation:
English VoCaBiT ya wek zimanê duyem (ESL) App ji bo destê Kurdish does telefonê an internet xizmetên hewce ne, piştî ku di destpêkê saz bike. Nêzîkî 5,000 gotinên bingehîn English Vocabulary / komepeyvên me yên bi gamified to ne ceribandineke KCDê ji bo Xwendekarên destpêkê de di asta pola 3 û berdewam bi riya asta dibistana seretayî qedandiye. Jî, ji bo Professionals û dixwestin niha bi termînolojîyê ya di warên taybetî xebata wan ya bimîne, VocaBiT APP dikare bibe alaveke pir bikêrhatî ye. bikarhênerên pêşketî dikarin bęsînor bi Pertûkxane Personal ji bo barkirina depoyekê de taybet ji termînolojiyê de ji bo bikaranîna şexsî an jî ji bo weşandina ji bo bikarhênerên din jî, ji VocaBiT APP. English definitions / encamên ku armancên referand û pêwendiyê pêşkêş dikin. Ji ber vê yekê, ew pênasekirinên ku ji words / komepeyvên me yên dibe ku nêzîkî ji bo wergerên paqij dijî. Ev kom li ser APP VoCaBiT is zimanê hîn ne, lê belê ji bo ne firsend ji bo xurtkirina berdewam ji zanîna Xizîneya di rêya Engagement ji, çalakiyên-based fun rêbazî ye. Ji bilî kurdî, VocaBiT di zimanên jêrîn de hene:
Peyvê di kemblîsyonê de di warê her mijarên bingehîn de bingehîn e. Dersên Scholastic li ser têgihiştina wateyên peyvan. Herweha, emrê wergirtî piştgiriya serkeftî ya akademîk. Di polê de, bo nimûne, gelo xwendekar a Native speaker English, an yek ji bo kîjanî English zimanê duyem e e (ESL, VoCaBiT APP dikare bibe alaveke kêrhatî ji bo tesîr li Xizîneya di her mijarê de. Ji bilî vê, app dikare were mesaxtin . bi cih pêwîstîyên taybetî xwendekaran jî, ji bo Professionals hewcedariya bi niha bi termînolojîyê ya di warên xebata wan ya bimîne, VoCaBiT APP sîstena riya ji bo xebatê de û xurtkirina VoCaBiT di destê zimanê jêr License de derbasdar e.:
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese_zh-CHS, Chinese_zh-CHT, Czech, French, German, Haitian,Creole, Hindi, Igbo, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Khmer, Korean, Kurdish,Malay, Nepali, Pashto, Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu