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Backgammon is one of the oldest games in the world. Distribution of the game began with the ancient East and now covered almost the whole world. In its essence, the game of backgammon is close to the dispute, and to science, and to art. Backgammon differs from most intellectual games in that each move in them depends not only on the situation on the Board, but also on the case, namely, the number of points dropped on the dice, which makes them the most democratic to the class of players.
Backgammon is played by two on a special Board divided into two equal halves, with six holes for checkers on each short side. On the field for backgammon 15 white and 15 black pieces (or two other distinctive colors) are placed in the initial positions of the first and third quarter of the Board. You also need two dice, the values of which determine the combination of movements of checkers towards the house (counterclockwise).
The goal of the backgammon game is to bring all the checkers to your house as quickly as possible and throw them into the yard!
The right of the first move gets the player who threw more points with one cube. In case of equality of the dropped points, a second attempt is made.
After drawing the right of the first move, the winning player makes the first throwing of the ZAR.
After the throw, the player moves one of his checkers to the number of fields equal to the number of one of the dice, and then moves any checker, including the one he just played - the number of fields equal to the value of the other Zara (free or occupied by their checkers field).
Remove checkers from the head is allowed only one, this move is called "move from the head." The first move of the game gives each player an exception to this rule. If one checker, which can be removed "from the head", does not pass on the sum of the dropped points, you can remove the second checker. Not to pass the field means to get to the field occupied by at least one opponent's checker. This situation occurs in the first move when throwing three combinations of numbers: 3x3, 4x4 and 6x6.
Their checkers in one field are placed in any number.
To build a "fence" of six or more fields occupied in a row is allowed only if at least one opponent's checker is in front of this fence. The exception to this rule is permitted "on the aisle" in a move to temporarily close and then to release leave unoccupied field.
If the checkers are locked so that the opponent can not make a single move on the number of points that fell on the pits, the points disappear, and the checkers do not move at all.
If the number of points dropped on one of the ZAR, allows you to make a move, and on the other - no, the player makes only one move. The points of the other move disappear.
If a player has the opportunity to make a full move, he has no right to reduce it, even if it is in his interests.
If a player can make only one move, and any of the two, he must play more. Smaller points disappear.
If a double falls on the squares, the player can make four moves by moving the checkers to the number of fields corresponding to the value of one Zara.
When one of the players will hold all his checkers in the house, he gets the right to withdraw them overboard, in accordance with the points that fall on the pits. If the number corresponding to the empty fields in the house falls on the squares and there are no checkers in the older fields, the player can withdraw checkers from the house from the following fields in order, as they decrease.
The player who first takes all his checkers out of the house wins the game! If the remaining player started the game second, he can use the right of the last throw. And if as a result of this throw, he also manages to withdraw all his checkers, then a draw is counted.