About this app
The purpose of the library itself, especially the college library is to provide information services for learning activities, research, and community service in order to implement the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Wiranto dkk, 1997).
In general we can conclude that the meaning of the library is an institution of work units that keep collection of library materials systematically and manage it in a special way as a source of information and can be used by the wearer.
However, today traditional notions and the old paradigm begin to shift as the development of various types of libraries, variations in the collection in various formats allows the library is physically no longer a collection of book collection.
Many people are focused on looking at the library as a system, no longer using a physical approach. As a library system consists of several units of work or parts that are integrated through the system used for processing, compilation and collection services that support the running of library functions.
Its development puts the library into a source of information science, technology and culture. From the literature term, developing the term librarian, library, library science, and librarianship will be explained as follows:
1. Librarian: A person who works in libraries or similar institutions and has a formal library education.
2. Libraries: Materials - materials that become a reference or reading in producing or composing writing either in the form of articles, essays, books, reports, and the like.
3. Library Science: The field of knowledge that examines and examines matters relating to libraries both in terms of collection, distribution and preservation of science and technology and cultural services and other services to the community, other matters relating to library services and the role wider.
4. Librarianship: Matters relating to the application of library science and librarianship profession.
B. The Purpose and Objectives of the Establishment of the Library
The main activity of the library is to collect information in various forms or formats for the preservation of library materials and other sources of information science resources. The purpose of establishing a library is:
Provide a means or place to collect various sources of information to be collected continuously, processed and processed.
As a means or vehicle to preserve the results of human culture (science, technology and culture) through the activities of maintenance and preservation collection.
As Agent of changes and cultural agents and information centers and learning resources about the past, present and future. In addition, it can also be a center of research, recreation and other scientific activities.
The purpose of establishing libraries to create educated and educated society, accustomed to reading, cultured and encouraging the creation of lifelong education (Long life education).
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