About this app
From ancient times to the present day Christians took to the road worthwhile triptych, as the keeper of the fatalities.
In today's whirlpool of life almost every person is on the road every day and can not always be in possession of an icon.
By installing the application on your mobile phone or tablet, you will always have with him close to your heart icon.
Icon - a unique phenomenon in medieval culture.
Iconographer had a problem, which determines the features of the medieval worldview: to bring human consciousness in the spiritual world, to change consciousness, arouse a sense of reality of the ideal world, to help the person find their way preobrazheniya.Dlya believer medieval Russia was never a question of whether he likes or not the icon as
art how it is made.
For him it was more important than its content.
Whereas many people do not know how to read, but the language of symbols vaccinated every believer from childhood.
The symbolism of colors, gestures, objects depicted - is the language of icons, not knowing that it is difficult to estimate the value ikon.Ikona heralds the transformation of the world and man the dominant mood of joy, which is transmitted scenes, symbols of things, gestures, colors, arrangement of figures and even coming to odezhdoy.No
joy is possible only through austerity - no joy without pain, without the Resurrection Cross.
Pleasure and asceticism - complementary threads, where the first - a goal, the second - a means to an end;
asceticism subordinated joy.
A method for the expression of asceticism - conditional, symbolic figures and faces svyatyh.Ikona - not a portrait and genre painting, and the prototype of the ideal of humanity.
Therefore, the icon gives him only a symbolic image.
The physical movement of the icon is minimized or absent.
But special means transmits the movement of the spirit - pose of the figure, hands, folds of clothing, color and most importantly - eyes.
There is concentrated the whole force of moral heroism, the whole force of the spirit and its power over telom.Odezhda in icons - not a means to cover their nakedness, the clothes - a symbol.
It is - the fabric of the exploits of the saint.
One of the important details - the folds.
The nature of the location of the folds in the robes of the holy icon indicates the writing time.
In viii - xiv centuries folds drawn frequent and small.
They talk about the strong spiritual experiences, the lack of spiritual calm.
In xv - xvi centuries folds draw straight, long, sparse.
Through them, as it were, it breaks all the firmness of spiritual energy.
They convey the fullness of spiritual sil.Vokrug ordered the head of the Savior, Mother of God and the saints on the icons depict the radiance in the form of a circle, which is called a halo.
Nimbus - this image shines the light and glory of God, which transforms and man, connected with Bogom.Na icons are no shadows.
This is also due to the peculiarities of understanding the world and the challenges that faced the iconographer.
World mountain - is the realm of the spirit world, it is incorporeal, there are no shadows.
Icon are things soluble and produced by light and not illuminated sign svetom.Simvolika-hand pressed to his chest - heart soperezhivanie.-Hand raised - call for pokayaniyu.-Hand outstretched with open hand - a sign of obedience and submission.
-Two hands raised up - prayer for mire.A-hands raised forward - praying for help, prosby. gesture-hands, pressed to her cheeks - a sign of grief, sorrow.