About this app
-G-Donor app is the easiest and fastest way to request blood, platelets, plasma and organs of any blood groups.
-G-Donor is a blood donation app which gives a chance to save a life. The main motive of G-donor app is to save lives and to manage a platform for all blood and organ donors and receivers
-Blood requirement can be verified by hospital or doctors.
-Receivers can find the registered donors in nearest place.
- G-Donor finds donor with easy steps and search nearby locations with any blood groups.
Why we use G-donor
-User can search for donors by using blood group and location and contact them through call and user can track location.
-We have made donor activity list with distance.
-Post blood and organ request and connect you with all blood donors of that blood group nearby your location.
-App with doctor reference, donation facts and certification.
-App that makes easier to save a life.
How to use G-Donor
-Our G-Donor service allows connecting with the blood donors near your location. For using G-Donors app you’ll need to create an Account by selecting a password, and providing certain personal information (e.g., name, email, etc).
-You may register your profile as volunteer and doctor.
-After sign in through our app you will get options as blood donor / receiver, platelet donor / receiver, plasma donor / receiver, organ donor / receiver, doctor , request blood, blood banks, blood camps….
-When we request for blood/platelets/plasma/organs, Donor get notifications when they are near to your location.
Secure search
-G-donor app provides a special option that we find donors with any blood group near to your location.
-G-donor will notify you about who need donation in your area and will request them with blood groups and maximum utility.
-Will notify blood camps.
-Doctor gets notification for approval of blood and organ donation requests.
Easy signup and login registrations
-We may collect personal information that can identify you, such as your name, email address, contact details, location and other information.
Register as donor
Donate blood to people verified by doctors
Get live update on blood availability
Get live blood camps info
Get certificate on blood donation
Request blood
Find donors in nearby location
Get blood bank list and availability
Find platelet donors
Find plasma donors
Organ donor registration
Organ request
Blood donation periodic table
Get ambulance info
Blood donation fact sheet
Get life time history of blood donation
Includes blood and organ donation
User interface update- automatic
Advanced donor searching
Free blood donation app
Location based voluntary blood donors app / find donors in nearby locations
Easy update your nearby location up to 5km to 10km
Notifications list of donors
Find donors by location and blood groups
Latest update - blood banks
Direct contact with donor through call
Know imp facts to donate blood
Opportunity to add verified donor
Fast and reliable
SMS verification
Secure signup with mobile number verification
Instant blood request by required location
Will covers all states constituencies and all the states of India
Donor activity will appears instantly on acceptance
Shorten registration form so that not a second is wasted
Free registrations
No mediator required
Can share app through social media also
This application is never responsible for any blood donation criteria mismatch
If online data charges will apply
Share app URL
UI/UX improved
Post emergency blood
Easy sign up
Tips for donor and receiver
Safety precautions (facts)
History for donors
Developers contact
GEMN Research and Development Pvt. Ltd
For any queries or feedback contact us at gdonorsapp@gmail.com
Or follow us on
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/g.donors
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/g_donors/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/G_donors