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The Custom Blanket
The custom blanket comes in 3 different sizes - the small blanket is perfect for cots and small beds, the medium ideal for use as a travel blanket or a lap blanket to keep warm and comfortable while watching TV. The large custom blanket is especially beneficial for use on beds and offers the greatest printing options because it can include a photo montage consisting of virtually any number of photos and other elements.
Adding A Digital Photo To The Custom Blanket Design
The simplest way to personalize a custom blanket is to pick a single favorite photo. This picture is printed on the front of the blanket and you can pick a color for the reverse from a list of beautiful colors. The digital photo can be of you, the gift recipient, or anybody else. It could be a picture of a favorite place or an item that is related to the person's favorite hobby or pastime. You know the recipient best so you can choose the photo that they will appreciate the most.
Other Pictures To Add To A Custom Blanket
Digital photos do offer the best printed results but they are just one type of design that can be used on a custom blanket. Download pictures from the Internet or any other source, ensuring as far as possible that they are a high resolution, large dimension picture. Alternatively, scan paper print pictures, newspaper clippings, or even album and book covers in order to get the exact look that you want from the custom blanket.
Text And Other Design Options
Add a personal message to the design yourself or have one printed over the picture that you chose. This is a great opportunity to add a greeting in order to celebrate an occasion or event or it can be used to mark a date, name, or anything else. Add baby's name and date of birth to create a stunning new baby blanket or include the names of the bride and groom to create a heartfelt personalized anniversary blanket.
Custom Cushions
Like the blanket, the custom cushion is also a multi purpose customized item. It can be used as an addition to your bedding or it can be customized and added to the settee. You can even take it camping or on holiday with you to ensure that you're comfortable while you're away.
Other Types Of Custom Cushion
The standard custom cushion, available in medium or large, is just one type of custom cushion too. Floor cushions are much larger and designed to provide comfort while sitting on the floor - these too can be customized with a photo or montage. A sausage cushion or bolster cushion enables you to print between 6 and 10 characters in incredible looking text so is perfect for customizing with a name.
We all desire to have a place to call a home, not just a house where we can go in and out to take shelter from the elements. We all desire to have a place of abode, a place where we dwell, a place where we grow and nourish our family, a place where we give and receive love from those we love, a place where we can be our true selves, a place where we find peace, joy, serenity and fulfillment, a place where we nourish and cherish our roots and cultural inheritance. This place is our home, because it is our home, it is reflects whom we are, it reflects our values and often times the innermost desires of our hearts which we depict in the decorations we put in and around our homes. The decorations in and around our homes are done with varieties of works of art from our cherished artists or craft works that reflect our roots and cultural values. At some other times we simply use decorations that give a touch of elegance and sophistication to our homes.
In a two part series I will bring to your awareness some decorative throw blankets with artistic designs and craftsmanship that depict creative works of some well known artists. You can use any of these throw blankets or combinations of them to achieve the decorative beauty, elegance and sophistication you desire for your home all year long.