About this app
The "HoloPort" is an app which brings holograms and individual use & creation together.
#Hologram #HoloPort
[holo - ancient greek: holos] = all, entire, total
[gram - ancient greek: grámma] = sign, writing
[port - latin: porta] = door, entry
HoloPort was created especially for YOU, to act as a novel tool to create, play and share your images and videos in form of a hologram!
#holoport your media and transform image files and videos into hologram videos. They can be viewed with any commercial or DIY hologram pyramid available.
In late 2015 an article in Wired magazine (G. Gottsegen: NEW VIRAL CRAZE: CREATE HOLOGRAMS WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE) showed potentials and a DIY approach to create a hologram pyramid from CD covers. To test the results readers were invited to check out hologram videos on youtube.
The whole technological approach was proposed as "... THE COOLEST social media trend since food photos: People have been using their smartphones to create 3D holograms, and the results are pretty eye-catching."
The last sentence should be interpreted more precisely:
People didn't "generate", they used a hologram pyramid to show 3D youtube videos on a mobile device.
The TopLab developed a Python/openCV based conversion algorithm in 2016-2017. Results of a Google Play search showed several apps containing already available hologram videos, but no possibility to generate specific holo-vids by the users themselves!
Features of HoloPort:
- Full HD (1920x1080) videos for high quality on larger displays
- select image/video from local gallery
- adjust the size of the image for the hologram
- convert ("holoport") the media into a hologram video
- share your holoported video like with What'sApp, Facebook and others
- play YOUR hologram videos (and those friends share with you). Despite standard video
players on your device HoloPort comes with its own Viewer for hologram
videos! In the current version all your videos are played in infinite sequence.
You can PLAY and PAUSE via display touch.
Your videos are stored on your device where you can access and
share them like you wish.
APIs and rules of social platforms evolve over time. This has effects on how new
features are developed in future.
The development of HoloPort was quite tricky in several ways,
compared to TopLab's "Desktop" version.
It is obvious that conversion time for holoporting a video on a mobile takes significantly
longer than on a PC,
Depending on your device type and frame rate of the source file it takes up to about
10 seconds to convert 1 second of video.
We already have identified a way to lower processing time by about 30%, but further tests
and feedback from parallel closed beta testers will be gathered in the first months after
[Pro Version]:
- increased video time for conversion
- bulk delete: you can empty all videos at once
- no ads!
The TopLab does not collect any personal data from HoloPort users, but has insights into user information (country, device/Android version) and app ratings provided by Google.
The video conversion algorithm is running on the users mobile device! None of your media is processed on remote servers. Instead of cloud computing we prefer our pervasive and more private approach.
The users themselves are responsible for their sharing habits, content and copyrights they holoport!
Referenced Wired article: